GoBlog Theme v.2.0 468x60

Safe Tricks SEO Friendly Responsive Blogger Template

Posted by Unknown on 22:51:00

Why To Use Safe Tricks Fully Responsive & SEO Friendly Template ?

Ranking Factor: Google’s new ranking factor is based on responsiveness means device friendly sites. So if you are using template which is not optimized according to devices then its time remove that template.
Yes, Safe Tricks is fully Responsive blogger template. You will not find any template whose each and every portion is responsive. We customize this template according various devices like Desktop, Tablet, Smartphone and Basic lite browser phone. This template works well on all devices. If you want to test simply test demo template by reducing browser size.
Earning: Responsive template increase revenue from ads. Because smartphone based users are increasing at tremendous speed.
Many Responsive templates move all structure into vertically which make mobile template size big. They shift sidebar below the content area. But in safe tricks template we hide all the unwanted things on particular devices. So ads visibility is better than other themes.
SEO Friendly: After working for 2 years on this template. We implements many SEO tactics and fixed many structure issue which are almost in every template. Even you can check by visiting webmaster tool >> Your Blog >> Search Appearance >> Structured Data for your current template.
structure data error
Auto Alt Tag: We also added small code which automatically add alt and title tag in all images.
No Dynamic URL: As google consider pages with non dynamic URL on homepage better for SEO.
Fast Speed: As i already said we reduce size all the codes. Remove all unwanted codes from template which make this faster as compare to other templates. We also hide footer section in post just make post loading speed faster. Which is also a good search ranking factor.
Easy Customization: If you are non technical don’t have any knowledge about coding. Then this template will be the best solution for you. Normally we all have different choice in color combination. So we provide easy to customize feature from single panel.
  • Just you have to go to Template section >> Customization >> Adjust all the layout colors according to you.
safe tricks customization
So these are few benefits of this template which are required and best for all blog to make it professional.
If you want to make some tests on this template or want to see how it looks then just visit below given demo page.

How To Apply Safe Tricks Template ?

  • First of all you need to download Safe Tricks template from link below given button.
  • After downloading extract it with Winrar or other extractor into your PC.
  • Their will a folder with name Safe tricks. In which you find Safe Tricks XML template and Documentation file.
  • Open Documentation File into browser and then follow all guidelines step by step. If your are not able to do then their will be a Read Me File. Just open it and read all steps to do.
safetricks template files
  • Documentation includes each and every code, settings and features which you need to implement for full functionality of this template.

Nama Anda
New Johny WussUpdated: 22:51:00

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