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Mozilla Firefox 44.0.1 [ Win, Mac OS, Linux ]

Posted by Unknown on 14:52:00


Improve your browsing experience with Mozilla's open-source and highly acclaimed Firefox.

Mozilla has switched Firefox to a rapid release development cycle which means new versions will come more frequently. The non-profit organization has promised to push out a new stable build every six weeks.
Awesome Bar
Get to your favorite sites quickly – even if you don’t remember the URLs. Type your term into the location bar (aka the Awesome Bar) and the autocomplete function will include possible matches from your browsing history, bookmarked sites and open tabs.
The Awesome Bar learns as you use it—over time, it adapts to your preferences and offers better-fitting matches. We’ve tweaked it to give you greater control over the results (including privacy settings) and increased performance so you find what you need even faster.
Improved Interface
We’re always looking for ways to make your browsing easier and more efficient. Tabs are above the Awesome Bar to make it easier to focus on the content of the sites you visit. All your menu items are now found in a single button for easy access. Manage your bookmarks in a single button. Find your favorite links without getting bogged down. Your Awesome Bar now features one easy button to stop loading pages or reload pages. The Home button has been moved to the right side of the search-field.
Browse multiple sites at once, simply and easily. Each new site appears as a new tab (not a new window) and can be accessed in one click. Take sites you always keep open—like Web mail—off your tab bar and give them a permanent home in your browser. As you’re opening a new tab or typing in the Awesome Bar, Firefox will check to see if you already have that site open. If you do, you’ll be directed to the existing tab so you don’t open a duplicate. Firefox helps you get to your next task faster than ever by displaying a set of thumbnails of your most recently and frequently visited sites every time you open a new tab. You can also customize this page by adding, removing or reorganizing sites to get to where you want to go in one click. If you accidentally close a tab or window, you can reopen it in one click. Just view Recently Closed Tabs or Recently Closed Windows in the History menu and select the tab or window you’d like to reopen. Like to have all 20 of your favorite pages open at once? An elegant new feature lets you scroll through tabs easily to see them all and access the one you want quickly.
What’s New:
  • Enabled API allowing Windows 10 users to open settings dialog
  • Fixed mozalloc.lib was missing from the xulrunner package
  • New Support for Windows 10
  • New Added protection against unwanted software downloads
  • New User can receive suggested tiles in the New tab page based on categories Firefox matches to browsing history (en-US only).
  • New Hello allows adding a link to conversations to provide context on what the conversation will be about
  • New New style for add-on manager based on the in-content preferences style
  • New Improved scrolling, graphics, and video playback performance with off main thread compositing (GNU/Linux only)
  • New Graphic blocklist mechanism improved: Firefox version ranges can be specified, limiting the number of devices blocked
  • Changed Add-on extensions that are not signed by Mozilla willdisplay a warning
  • Changed NPAPI Plug-in performance improved via asynchronous initialization
  • Changed Smoother animation and scrolling with hardware vsync(Windows only)
  • Changed JPEG images use less memory when scaled and can be painted faster
  • Changed Sub-resources can no longer request HTTP authentication, thus protecting users from inadvertently disclosing login data
  • HTML5 IndexedDB transactions are now non-durable by default
  • HTML5 Implemented AudioBufferSourceNode.detune to modulate playback rate in cents, a logarithmic unit of measure used for musical intervals
  • Developer Improved Performance tools in the Developer tools:Waterfall view, Call Tree view and a Flame Chart view
  • Developer New rules view tooltip in the Inspector to tweak CSS Filter values
  • Developer Console API messages from SharedWorker and ServiceWorker are now displayed in web console
  • Developer New page ruler highlighting tool that displays lightweight horizontal and vertical rules on a page
  • Developer Inspector now searches across all content frames in a page
  • Fixed Kannada text does not display properly in built-in pdf viewer
  • Fixed Various security fixes
  • Known Issues If Firefox is restarted from an add-on install notification, on-going private browsing downloads might be canceled without warning (1185294)

Nama Anda
New Johny WussUpdated: 14:52:00

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